Monday, 16 March 2009

Oxford vs Cambridge

With teaching history starting from 1096 A.D and and 1209 A.D. both oxford and cambridge universities are the focus of young generation for quality education, a quality supported from their appearence in Top 10 universities worldwide consistently over a period of decades. But the major difference you see here........Cambridge university appears in top 5 but oxford has a history of top 10! a rare case when a child institute has better ranking than the parent
(Cambridge was found in 1209 by some scholars who left oxford due to a dispute)

While I will be discussing many factors in coming days, what today is my topic of discussion is the form of organization and departmentalization which they assume.

The great University of Cambridge in Picture


Both have forms of collegiation with many colleges and affiliations.

OXFORD: An affiliation of many colleges, many academic departments, with academic members spread over all colleges, separate management within colleges, each college with optimal yet different standard, and own faculty.

FAMOUS COLLEGES: Magdalen College,St Catherine College... a total of 38 colleges and 6 permanent private halls

: Inherits its form of organistaion from oxford, self governing independent colleges and departments, multidisciplened libraries.

FAMOUS COLLEGES: Tirinity College, Saint John's Colleges, Kings College...a total of 31 colleges, 3 only for females and 28 for mixed sexes...The 3 colleges dedicated to women are quite biased socially but what they say to defend themseleves is that a majority of males in those 28 mixed colleges should be compensated, but what we argue is that there is all open merit seat allocation over the university, there should be no need for such biased colleges!Thats all for today! see ya!


  1. could have been better if the writer concluded with his or her fellings about which university is the best when comparing, something has to be given as pros and cons which indeed could be seen no where an topic which i guess is more towards introductory to given universites which is completely useless ............

  2. well i think the bold statement shows bias
    cambridge is newer...but carries more prestige

  3. The Way of Conveying the Message is amazing,
    not many people know about these facts..(Y) Amazing Job!

  4. author is clearly biased towards Cambridge. pathetic article, no research, grammatical and logic errors, etc.

    In reality there isnt much to differ amongst Oxbridge.

    Myself vying for Cambridge through out my life or so until Oxford offered me a place for MSc whilst a cold hearted rejection from Cambridge.

    Go on OXFORD!!!!
